Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Little jewish writing was done between 400 B.C.E. and the new testament true or false?

Sort of true. There were no prophets to write anything, there were some Jewish writings. But none of these writings made it into our present day standard Bible.Little jewish writing was done between 400 B.C.E. and the new testament true or false?


Jews were writing in Aramaic. However, Rabbis got together and decided that to be Scripture, texts would have to be written in Hebrew, which thus eliminated the writings in this period. This came after the Septuagint was written, which did include the Aramaic books.

This is also why the OT and the ';Hebrew Bible'; are not the same. Christians (some more than others) include some of these books as Scripture, especially in the deutro-canonical books, also called the Apocrypha.

So, there is Jewish writing in this period, some accepted as Scripture by some (not all) Christians, but not by Jews.Little jewish writing was done between 400 B.C.E. and the new testament true or false?
A homework question, perhaps?

You really need more than a simple yes or no answer. As some have posted, there was indeed a great deal of Jewish writing: commentaries on the Law of Moses, the traditions of the scribes, and so forth. The Septuagint translation, from Hebrew to Greek, of the Old Testament, happened during this time. If we don't have much of that today, that doesn't mean the Jewish people didn't have it then.

But for a fact, there were no prophets from Malachi to John the Baptist.
if it's false, then the Old testament is the way to go!
Not true.

Whether or not you regard them as inspired of God, everyone agrees that there are inter-testamental writings:

1 and 2 Maccabbees



Bel and the Serpent


Because there is nothing in the Bible from this period does not mean there was little Jewish writing.
False. There was much writing, but with no prophets there was a dearth of revelation and prophecy.
I think the Maccabees were written in the intertestament period.
There were writings, there were just no additions to the Torah, which was complete.
Where did you get this date of yours?

I'm sure that they didn't print the date wherever this testament was written.
Nope, you won't get any biased answers here.

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