10points and a STAR!
Tell me about your pregnancy birth experience? Or tell me about your planned birth plan. I want to hear it all.
hospital stay? false labor-kicked out? home delivery-hospital visit? C-section?
Tell me your birth plan vs your actual birthing experience, your birthing procedure, hospital stay, did you have the option to extend your hospital stay, will you want to extend your hospital stay after you give birth. How long were you in labor (each time)? What is the shortest labor you have experienced, heard of? Tell me all about it. I will read them all.
10points and a STAR!
I am expecting and have been major aches and pains. I don't want to have a c-section or be induced HOWEVER I am so sore and achey that I feel like I am ready to drop. However I have about 13 more weeks.
Please share your experience!! Thank you 10points and a STAR!?*! Pregnancy birth experience, hospital stay, false labor-kicked out, home delivery-hospital visit, C-section?
easy pregnancy except for 6 months of severe morning sickness. Then at 34 weeks went into preterm labor from a bladder infection. My OB choose to give me meds to stop contractions. Ran around 4cm dilated,fully effaced, and 0 station from Week 35 until I was induced 4 days past my due date. The last week my son was laying on a nerve and it caused me incredible pain. I was unable to sleep, couldn't find a position to sit or stand that didn't make me want to cry, was prescribed a variety of narcotics that freaked me out and did nothing. I was admitted to the hospital at 8am on 12/30/2003. I was put on a pitocin drip at 9am (which was increased every hour afterward)and my OB broke my waters at 10am. I had minor, non-painful contractions until about 12pm. I was still at 4cm and 0 station when I was check at 12pm. From 12pm to about 4pm I had regular strong contractions in which I could not talk during and with the help of my family (all 10 of them that were there) and my doula I managed my pain and found a system for getting through them. At 4pm the contractions got really painful and the nurse said I was probably in transition. My OB checked me at 4:30pm and I was 8.5cm and +1 station. I was determined to deliver without drugs but I did ask (kind of jokingly) if I could get some now. They said it was too late, which I knew. At 6pm the nurse checked me again and said that I was almost complete and called the doctor. I started pushing shortly after that. Pushing was really hard for me as I did not have the urge and being flat on your back is a really difficult position to push through your butt from. I also was unable to use any of the techniques that I had developed to deal with the pain. I pushed for about 1.5 hours and at that point the baby was crowning and I could feel his hair. My OB felt that an episiotomy would be a good idea (I had told him before labor started that I really didn't want one) since I was getting tired and he was pretty sure my son had big shoulders. I conceded, he cut me and about 5 good pushes later my son was born at 7:43pm. I was able to stick to my birthing plan other than the episiotomy. My husband and I took our baby home the next evening, we could have stayed another night but my husband had to sleep in a chair and we want to go home and be alone with our baby. All of the nurses told my mom that I had the perfect birthing experience that that they should have taped it and used it as an educational video. I hope to have a home birth with the next baby. Everyone says that labor is so horribly painful and yes it is painful but as long as you understand what is going on and why it is happening then it really isn't that bad. I loved being pregnant and giving birth and can't wait to do it again. My advice to you is figure out what your vision for childbirth is: do you want drugs, episiotomy, who will be there, etc. Write it down and discuss it with your partner, anyone who will be there, your doctor. Once you get to the hospital post it on the door and give it to your labor nurse. Don't stress about c-sections, they really aren't as common as people think. As for induction it is only really horrible if your body really isn't ready to give birth. If your body is ready and just needs a little push then induction is great. It is the women who push and push for it before their bodies are really ready for it that have a really hard time. Good luck and many wishes for a smooth, speedy labor that ends with a happy healthy mom and baby!?*! Pregnancy birth experience, hospital stay, false labor-kicked out, home delivery-hospital visit, C-section?
THANK YOU for asking this question lol..
i feel the same as you.. and i have 13 weeks to go as well..
gosh im not looking forward to this last trimester ..
i have SO many aches and pains already.. just so glad this is the last trimester where we actually get to finally meet our babies..;)
Guess what, I didn't want to be induced or have a c section either. I ended up having both.
I had this nice birth plan, and nothing went according to what I had wrote down.
Good luck!
it was 5 weeks before my actually due date, and I had a really bad lung infection.
I was so sick, I coughed and was not able to get out of bed.
And that night, my back hurt so much, I wasnt able to move, I had to crawl to the loo, seriously.
I got back in bed, and 30 minutes later, I felt my pants is getting really wet, first, I thought I had an little ';accident'; lol, and I immediately smelled myself :), it smelled sweet, my heart literally stopped to beat. And suddenly more and more water came out, like alot!!!!!!!!!! I got scared, got up and called my sister, (my husband is in america), so, she freaked and called my mom. Mom passed out (really). And I tried to phone my hubby all the time, I needed my proofs for the hospital, he got in trouble, and I had to got without it.
Well, my water was breaking all the time still for like 2 hours non stop, the place was a mess.
Two hours later, they rushed me to the hospital, and I was already dilaited 2cm. They called my docter and she said she was coming (never showed up, besides 5 hours later, lol).
Ive booked a bed for the 29th of july for a c-section... but on the 10th of july, my little one decided to show up. The nurse asked me what Im I having a c-section or normal delivery, I was too scared for a c-section, so I lied and said, Im giving normal. The labour pains was unbearable, for reals, I was there from 5am in the morning, until 10am, my doctor finally showed up, and said, the baby is already half way there, I have to get ready for birth now.
I was too sick to push, so, they had to use this ';vacuum sucking machine'; to get my baby out.
at 10:35am, my little girl was born.
They've cut me down there, so, I had stitches and felt so sick.
But I stayed the night, my little one was perfectly fine, even if her actual due date was the 15th of August.... she was just perfect.
The nurses really irritated me, so, the next morning, Ive told them, Im leaving, Im not staying another day, so the doctor let me go, and my baby as well, I was allowed to stay another day, but I just wanted to go home AND SLEEP.!!!!!!!
lol...... it was an amazing experience, and it even though, the most painful one I ever had, it was worth it....:)
Its my first child, and Im glad I didnt had my c-section, the experience was really good for me, even though, I wished i had my husband at my side that day...:(
But today, Im grateful for everything.
My birth experience was certainly an experience I never planned for! :P
For one thing, I had false labor and went to the hospital not once, but twice before I was actually admitted. Granted, once was at 35 weeks...but nothing was happening. I felt so silly. The next time, I really was in labor. The doctors sent me home because I wasn't progressing quickly enough and they couldn't tell if I was in labor or not...but I knew I was! I was in labor for about 48 hours. The early labor would just not progress. It sucked. :( I went to bed the night that I got sent home and woke up at around 4 a.m. with really bad contractions, so we went to the hospital. My son was born 5.5 hours later via emergency c-section. That was not planned one bit!
The hospital stay was stressful. I was awake all the time and barely got any sleep because the nurses kept coming in and such. I was awake for 24 hours straight - after a c-section, mind you. I couldn't wait to go home and get some real rest. Luckily, my husband could stay with me the whole time. Breastfeeding was tough at first, too. :P I'm making it sound awful! I stayed for 3 nights, and I had an option to stay another night, but I went home. I've only been in labor once, so I can't tell you the shortest labor I've had. =/
Hang in there. I was sore for awhile (a month or so) before I had my son...that pelvic area was SO sore at the end. :( I know how you feel!
well i was 17 when i got pregnant w my son,
since i got pregnant i always knew it was going to be a boy...
towards the end i was always wondering when my water was
gonna break or how i was gonna go ino labor but when i went
to see my dr he jst said ';come tuesday morning and we'll have
this baby'; i thought he was jokin cuz he said it like it was nothing!
anyways i couldnt sleep the whole night before it didnt feel real to me
i slept only 2 hrs.
oh and i got on implanon. its a stick that stays in ur arm for 3 yrs and
u dnt even know its there. u should try it.
i got there at 6 filled out the paperwork and didn't get settled into a room til
about 9
i was 3 cm when i got there. they put me on pitocin(to bring on contractions)
an hr past and i felt like 5 min of contractions while i was gettin prepped for
my epidural...they werent painful jst felt like period cramps but they would tighten.
i got my epidural and felt nothin jst sat and waited
an hr passed i was 7 cm
they when the checked me after that i was fully dialated!
when i was pushing i didnt feel anything but numbness
i was pushin for about 35 min because his head was to big
but i had him at 2
i was only in labor for 5 hrs and didnt feel any pain
boy did i get lucky!
anyways seeing my sons face for the first time was the
biggest blessings. i love him so much!
enjoy it while it last cuz they grow fast hun.
I didn't have a birthing plan as I think they are pointless!
Literally anything could happen on the day.
All I knew was that I wanted to give birth in hospital (had no choice in the matter actually! lol) and I was praying that I would give birth naturally. I was pregnant with twins at the time!
I was induced 2 weeks early (my choice), biggest mistake I ever made!
I found being induced quite painful and time consuming, I would never do it again.
When I was finally established as in labour, they took me to the delivery room.
Because the pains were not so bad at first, I remember thinking.....'This ain't so bad, I can do this'.
I laugh when I think about it now.....lol.
I only got to 3cm dilated when I cried for the epidural. They gave me the mobile epidural, I'm the only person I know who's had it......and it was the best thing ever!!!
It could still move my legs and everything, I even had my own little top up button that I could press when I felt the pain slowly creeping back.
I was apparently in labour for 16 hours (felt so much longer!)
I was pushing for the last hour when my 1st daughter was born - weighing exactly 6lb.
7 minutes later, my 2nd daughter was born - weighing 4lb 14oz, she wasn't breathing when she came out and she was the smallest baby I'd ever set my eyes on.
I had to stay in hospital an extra 24 hours so that they could keep an eye on her.
She was fine, and I could go home with them both the day after that.
I ended up tearing (not badly) but I needed stitches.
I couldn't have asked for my labour/birth to have gone any better though, and I was so pleased I managed to give birth naturally.
Worked out I was in hospital almost 5 days! No thanks to being induced.
I am currently 17 weeks pregnant with my 3rd and I'm not scared this time round, I think maybe it's because I know the lovely epidural will be waiting for me! lol
The shortest labour I've 'personally' known is just 3 hours, but I've read alot of birthing stories and some women don't even realise they're in labour and literally 5 minutes later....the baby pops out.
Those are some real lucky women, let me tell ya!
Good luck to you hun......it won't be as bad as you think!
I have not given birth yet but I am 36 weeks so it will be soon!! So i figured I could share my birthing plan, expectations,h hopes and so on! First of all I went into false labor twice within one month. That was horrible I was having contractions and I had to get shots to stop the labor. I have had alot of complications and have had to go to the hospital alot so I have alot of experience on what to expect and all that because I live in a small town and have come to know the nurses pretty well! lol My birthing plan is to have my mom and my fiance in the room with me. I think I am going to let my sister and mother in law come in the room before I start pushing, just so they can be a part of the experience. I would like to use the birthing ball, shower, and walking to get my labor moving. I do want to get an epidural, and only want a csection if it is necessary. I hope that I do not need an extended stay in the hospital, I would like to go home and relax with my son. I would also like for my fiance to cut the cord and have the baby given to me right away. I hope everything goes the way I want it to but I know that is not always the case. Good luck with everything and congrats!
I had a C-section and not by choice. I wanted to have a natural birth but issues got in the way so I ended up having a ';planned'; C-section (planned one day in advance). I will say that I really hated every second from the minute they put the needle in my back to the effects after the birth.
The spinal block was extremely painful to start when they put the needle in my back and then the anesthetic made me nauseous. The feeling of the doctor pummeling on my stomach to move my baby down was indescribable. Then they took my daughter out and took her to the area where the paediatritian checks she is ok and I couldn't see her (my husband followed her and left me all alone to be stitched up). Finally they put her on my chest but I could barely hold her as I had needles in one arm and was quite drugged up.
After wheeling me into recovery I still had no feeling from my waist down so every time my baby cried I had to call a nurse to pick her up and put her on my chest for feeding etc. This broke my heart as all I wanted to do was pick her up and cuddle her but I couldn't. Finally the feeling came back and I must say the recovery wasn't as bad as I anticipated. I was up and about 12 hours later and fully recovered in 2 weeks.
Regardless of the awfulness of the birth I would do it all again 5 million times over to have my perfect little girl!
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